Post Valentine's Day, we look back at the day and chronicle the presents... a box of chocolates, a dozen roses, a dinner out. We gauge the feeling by the gift; [...]
Post Valentine's Day, we look back at the day and chronicle the presents... a box of chocolates, a dozen roses, a dinner out. We gauge the feeling by the gift; [...]
Recent articles have suggested that the keys to success are rooted in our habits. What do we routinely is what shapes the essence of our lives. We all know an [...]
In our hearts at least... The holidays present the highs and lows – and the ultimate communication challenge that most parents will face, and that all of them dread: the [...]
In the holiday season, many of us have our own version of the movie “Groundhog Day.” We repeat the same elements over and over again, year after year. Unlike the [...]
When we all sat down for dinner last Thursday, we were prepared. Most of us over the age of six know that part of the Thanksgiving ritual is the giving [...]
Congratulations to the Kansas City Royals, winners of the 2015 World Series. We have a few Point Taken team members from Kansas City, so we are pretty excited. Whether you [...]
Take a class with Point Taken. In a survey of our recent participants, over 98 percent of the respondents indicated that the Point Taken class they attended helped them improve [...]
A recent New York Times article about how to ‘fake’ an 80 hour work week has hit a nerve with our colleagues and clients. Coming on the heels of the [...]
At Point Taken, we talk about the importance of eye gaze that every presenter has with their audience. Sustained eye contact connects us to each member of our audience, and [...]
Here at Point Taken, we have worked with lots of speakers who are preparing to give TED talks, or who just want to give a TED-like talk. (Don't know TED? [...]