Practice Presenting– It’s Good for Your Brain
The latest research on how a sedentary lifestyle is worse for our health than many of the bad habits we may have has been all over the news. Some headlines [...]
The latest research on how a sedentary lifestyle is worse for our health than many of the bad habits we may have has been all over the news. Some headlines [...]
While our coaches can’t determine which of Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages will help improve communications with your valentine, at this time of year I always find myself thinking that [...]
Picture this: You spend hours working your presentation, and when you are in front of the room you gracefully move through your power point slides and visual aids. After concluding [...]
Michael Bay, famous for directing and producing big budget action films with impressive special effects, is now infamous for his stage fright. It seems everyone is talking about it. Even [...]
We wish you a happy and safe holiday. In recognition of the holiday, the Point Taken offices will be closed from December 24 through January 1. We look forward to [...]
Thanksgiving has come and gone, and if you are like me, you have a laundry list of both professional and personal to-dos before 2014. Productivity is the key to accomplishing [...]
As far as nonverbal communication goes, your environment provides observers with lots of cues they use to form impressions – and the state of your desk can be the basis [...]
Have you ever noticed how you notice things? Wonder why some things get your attention, and others pass by completely unseen? You can thank your Reticular Activating System (RAS) for [...]
Working memory is like a white board in your head. It’s a workspace, populated by new information we are learning, and old information we are currently using. We pull together [...]
How many vacation days are too many? Unlimited vacation – that seems like winning the lottery, right? Collect the paycheck, and work as few days as possible. As an employee, [...]