Something to Read
Have you heard of “October Theory”?
Apparently it’s a TikTok phenomenon focused on self-care and getting focused to finish the last quarter with emphasis and intention.
This article from Fortune explains, “October Theory says the last 90 days of the year…pose unique potential for growth. It capitalizes on the finite time left in the year, serving as motivation to have a new beginning and use the last three months to think about what you want and need in your life.”
I’m a big proponent of reviewing, revising…even writing…goals and intentions. If October poses the opportunity to strike that match and spark a productive push for the end of the year, then I’m all for it.
My October Theory action list:
- Declutter my 8-year-old’s bedroom. The number of tiny toys and random items shoved into the drawers is truly amazing – time to start fresh!
- Eat the food that is in my freezer. I love to cook and I love squirreling away stews and sauces in my freezer…and save them for some unforeseen future. It’s packed in there. This quarter, I’m focusing on how I can enjoy what I’ve stored and make the busy days of November and December cozier; compliments of past-me.
- Update framed photographs. I had a blast at that trip with my college friends back in 2005. However, a few things have happened since then…you know, marriage, kids, dogs, work, major moves. It’s time for me to print some new photos and update my frames in the house.
Below are links to several articles that are talking about October Theory –
- Good Housekeeping – 11 Easy “October Theory” habits to try before the end of the month
- Fortune – How TikTok’s ‘October Theory’ can make you happier and more successful by the end of the year
- Forbes – How to change your life with ‘October Theory’ – by a psychologist
Something to Hear
Music is memory.
What songs or bands evoke memory for you? This month brought with it many reminders of how music can transport us emotionally and cognitively.
Three moments this month reminded me of how music communicates more than enjoyment:
- I experienced the musical American Mariachi at Two River Theater where my husband works in Red Bank, NJ. In that production, music – and mariachi, specifically – was a mechanism for a daughter to reconnect with her mother who was suffering from dementia. They speak the lines, “music is memory,” which has hung in my mind since hearing the words.
- I read an article celebrating the 30th anniversary of the band, Guster; an indie/folk/rock group who formed in the dorms at Tufts University outside of Boston. This article prompted me to pull out their music from my archives – if only I still had the CDs I purchased in the early 2000s! Instantly it felt as though I was back at the University of Illinois – sitting on the berber carpet swatches my roommate and I used to add an element of cozy to our cinderblock space.
- I walked onto a mainstage at a client meeting to give a brief presentation…and my walk-out music was one that I would pick over and over again – “I Wish” by Skee-Lo. The lyrics include aspirational statements that I, too, often wish! “….I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller…” Hearing that song while walking out on stage to speak to 200 people helped me metaphorically walk a little bit taller and feel like a baller – having a solid walk-on song can really boost your energy before a talk. Choose wisely!
Check out Guster’s newest album – Ooh La La and take a trip back to the early 2000s with us. You can stream it from your music source of choice.
And for a boost of confidence before a talk, check out my walk-on song, “I wish” by Skee-Lo. Enjoy!
Something to Do
Pick a “walk-up song.”
If you’ve ever been to a major league baseball game, then you know each batter has a specific song that is played while they walk up to the plate….that’s why we call it a “walk-up song.”
For me, I needed my walk-up song this month before giving a presentation. Even if you aren’t giving a presentation in front of a large group of people, a “walk-up song” can boost your energy and confidence for a meeting, interview, pitch, tough conversation, or any other communication moment where you might not have your head in the right space yet. There is nothing quite like music to shift your mood or boost your confidence…so be intentional about what you pick.
Something to See

The fall colors in the northeast have been brighter and more vibrant than I can ever remember. Connecting with nature and hiking behind my “white tailed” Marty is a simple joy that helps me organize my thoughts and ideate my actions. This was the hike that brought me my “October Theory” plans!