Something to Read
How do you define executive presence?

Several clients have come to us recently with requests for programs that elevate their team’s executive presence. We gladly oblige to facilitate workshops that provide practice and coaching on dimensions of power, presence, and warmth – nonverbal physical delivery skills, active listening, question-asking, and message framing.
Digging back into the January-February issue of HBR this year, I found a new argument for defining executive presence and it reminded me that our historical definitions of executive presence may need revision and reconsideration.
In considering gravitas, communication, and appearance as dimensions of executive presence, Sylvia Ann Hewlett describes differences in perceptions and execution of executive presence over the last 20 years.
- You can read the full article, “The New Rules for Executive Presence,” in the January-February 2024 issue of HBR or by clicking here.
Something to Hear
I started out thinking the best leaders were avid learners. You got to be an active learner so that you take the learning that you get and you turn it into action.
– David Novak on HBR IdeaCast

I loved listening to this podcast episode. Perhaps it was the sound of Bob’s voice – he exudes kindness and humility in the way he speaks. That comfort, coupled with his ideas about learning from each other and applying concepts that seem unrelated to ultimately become mainstream, made it enjoyable to hear is experience and…(wait for it)…learn from him. This episode is a great reminder that there are leaders who want us all to succeed and the skills to achieve any of our goals can be gained by active learning.
By listening to this episode, you’ll also learn the origin story for Cool Ranch Doritos…something that feels like it has always been with us.
- Check out the June 11th episode of HBR IdeaCast where host Curt Nickish interviews David Novak and discusses leadership, overcoming adversity, recognition and maintaining curiosity across your lifetime. Find the episode at or wherever you get your podcasts.
Something to Do
Tell us something you learned recently.
What are you reading, listening to, and inspired by? In the comments of the LinkedIn Talking Points June 2024 post, teach us something new. In the spirit of continued growth and learning that we heard from David Novak in the section on “Something to Hear,” I’m curious to hear what is interesting to you.
- Visit the June Collection of Talking Points on LinkedIn to add your new knowledge.
Something to See

Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve in San Diego, California is a spiritual place for me. The ocean meets a wall of sandstone and a delicate ecosystem that threatens the rare Torrey Pine. Did you know? The Torrey Pine is one of the rarest pine species in the world. It naturally occurs only in two locations: the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve in San Diego and Santa Rosa Island, one of the Channel Islands off the coast of California.