While our coaches can’t determine which of Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages will help improve communications with your valentine, at this time of year I always find myself thinking that there are some key take-aways from our communication skills training that carry over into our personal relationships too.
Take the content from our Influence with Impact workshop, for example. We teach professionals communication principles that improve working relationships and enhance others’ commitment to the outcome.
For Valentine’s Day, may we suggest that you review each party’s interests, and utilize all types of questions to fully understand the other person’s perspective before suggesting a course of action? Also, focusing on non-verbal cues also helps the conversation flow and solidifies your sincerity to the topic.
Wearing these skills when communicating with your partner will not only strengthen your relationship but it will also help you both understand where the other one is coming from. Who knows? Maybe it will help with the romance too.
Happy Valentine’s Day!