All presenters get nervous, but some know how to manage their emotions and perform through the fear. The real question is not “how can I learn to not be nervous?” but rather – how can I make sure that my nervous energy can be harnessed to help my presentation?

  1. Breathe. Really, really deeply. Deep breaths engage your core, and trigger your body to release calming endorphins – and this makes you feel less nervous. You need at least four deep breaths to start triggering that process. Begin deep breathing long before you are introduced as the speaker.
  2. Visualize success. All world class athletes use visualization as a preparation for big competitions. Think about your talk, and visualize it going well. Picture all the elements being successfully executed.
  3. Be physically ready. Presenting is hard work, so make sure to get enough sleep, and eat healthy food before your presentation. Exercising within twenty-four hours of your presentation also helps your body cope better with stress.
  4. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Luck favors those who are prepared. So work on being one of the lucky ones. Make sure you have reviewed your content, walked the meeting space, and tested the projector. Knowing you are ready reduces the pre-presentation jitters.